Greg Dabney


Soil Chef/ and/or Kraft Soil Solutions/

I would love to share my interests/talents with a like minded group that goes to work when society says it cant be done. I have walked over a millions acres of organic and commercial acres of dirt/soils and have helped farmers use what society says is waste products and turned it into foods for the new soils and its life sustaining cycle of life under our feet. I have created systems for converting lands and businesses into certified organic operations . Managed crops and livestock nutrition programs and grown crops of all types for food and feed. I live in Berthoud and my family farms in Boulder county where they live. I would welcome sharing and working on projects that helps to make families self reliant and care takers of this worlds soils one square inch at a time and a cup of water as well. Lets dance in the rain and create and be givers of a balanced way of life that can be for generations. But we need to start teaching now!

Our family has over 200 acres that belongs to my daughter and her husband. I am the soil tender, the composter, the planter, the feed of beef cattle and the nursery dad in the birthing capacity and tend to the veggie crops. They also lease some land from Boulder county which is being transitioned into organic crop land for hays and grasses.

Smiles, well wishes, dirty hands, a moment of Ah Ha and a welcomed, "Thank you for sharing and caring. Actions do speak louder and clearer then words any day, so an afternoon of sunshine and pulling weeds is medicine to the soul. Got any weeds I can pull?”