Andrew 'Drew' McMahan


Historic Cherry Mill Farm

My partner BT Huntley and I became the latest stewards of the historic Cherry Mill property 6 years ago. We currently operate a medium-sized garden plot (~40x60 feet), with the aim to grow and preserve (we can, freeze, dry) a large proportion of our yearly vegetable needs....lots of tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, onions, brassicas, green beans, etc. We have room to expand and plan to expand as we get our water situation figured out. Although we grow produce essentially just for us, we do sell vegetable seedlings ("starts") in the spring, and have been doing so for longer than we've been here. We have approx. 5 acres of good arable ground, much of it currently in decent smooth brome pasture, on which we raised a couple of beef steers 3 years ago. We raise 4 dozen "head" of poultry and sell eggs. In the late 1980s to 1991, I co-owned one of the first certified organic farms in fort Collins: Inch By Inch Vegetables and Bellwether Farms. We had 5 acres of production in annual veggies, and 1/4 acre "under glass" for year-round production of culinary herbs. I have a BS degree in soil science and an MS in ecology, both from CSU. We have a small home-made hoop-house, and have tentative plans to construct a small "production-level" greenhouse. I am a former beekeeper, currently have no working hives, but have equipment for at least 8 hives. We are open to discussing learning and possible "cooperative employment" opportunities with anyone who might want to help us here develop various aspects of our farm, particularly with respect to : improving our well and irrigation systems; developing bee hives, establishing a hop-growing operation, establishing larger-scales (e.g. 1/2 - 1 acre) vegetable production.

Currently at Historic Cherry Mill Farm, 200 Gregory Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80524. Northeast corner of HWY 1 (Terry Lake Rd.) and Gregory Rd. 6.25 acres including buildings.

Veg Crops, Animal Husbandry, Chickens, Compost/ Soil Health, CSA, Food Preservation, Greenhouse Management